At Ovako, our diverse operations create opportunities for a wide range of skills and expertise, opening up a world of career possibilities. Whether you're looking to grow within your current field, explore new directions, or even relocate, we offer both domestic and global career paths to help you achieve your goals.

We believe in continuous growth, which is why we provide ongoing training initiatives tailored to enhance your skills and meet our evolving operational needs. For our leaders, we’ve designed a specialized development program that includes engaging lectures, interactive training modules, and cross-functional management conferences, ensuring they’re equipped to lead with confidence and vision.

Thesis Work

Several thesis projects in various fields are completed each year within Ovako. They are a part of our continuous development process, aiming at new products and new or improved production technology.

When applying for a thesis project with Ovako, you should describe which kind of project you are interested in, tell us about yourself, and attach your CV to the application. Please feel free to contact us if you have any requests or ideas concerning a thesis in our fields of operation.

First and foremost, our job is to understand what customers require from our steel products and make sure that the customer’s requests are met. The development of steel and component production meet stringent scientific criteria, and our production processes are in every sense “high-tech”.

Available thesis work positions are listed under our vacancies 

                  apply here                     

Now you also have the opportunity to carry part of your Master of Science thesis in Japan, thanks to our exciting cooperation with the Sweden-Japan foundation.

Read more about our collaboration

Rules for thesis work in Sweden

  • The thesis should be a final university thesis
  • You must have an examiner at the school who is in charge and a mentor/contact person both on campus and with us
  • The work will culminate in a written report to be presented orally at Ovako
  • The company's privacy practices may result in some restrictions in work and presentation
  • Financial compensation is paid per credit. Payment Form is in agreement with the respective contact person in HR departments.

Students and Young Professionals: Start your career with us

At Ovako, we're always on the lookout for fresh talent. We're passionate about matching the right skills with the right opportunities, whether you're just starting your education or about to graduate.

As we expand into new international markets, we're offering exciting opportunities for young, innovative minds to join us.

Ovako, a subsidiary of Sanyo Special Steel and part of the Nippon Steel Corporation group, is a global leader in high-quality special steel. We're committed to strengthening our international presence in specialized markets.

We invite students and pupils to explore our operations through mill tours and collaborate on thesis projects. This could be the beginning of a dynamic career with Ovako!

For Schools and Universities

Ovako values young adults finding out about an important part of our society – industry. Who knows, a project or a field visit could fuel an interest that later develops into a future career in an important part of basic industry.
We encourage contact with schools and students regardless of the focus of their studies or their country and are happy to open our workplaces to anyone curious about how we produce the highest quality engineering steel. Do not hesitate to contact the relevant unit if you are curious about Ovako and would like us to come and talk about our business, or if you want to start a partnership.